Week 51, 2022
Monday, 19 December 2022 - Sunday, 25 December 2022
Deconstructors are not exclusive to Tuples in C# Check out this cool way you can deconstruct properties off of your C# object seamlessly Read more about deconstructors in C# here: tinyurl.com/csharp-deconst… #csharp #Dotnet
OpenIddict 4.0 general availability
It is now even simpler to get started with database first reverse engineering for EF Core with the latest daily of EF Core Power Tools - just use "Add New Item" (Ctrl-Shift-A) and select the "EF Core Database First Wizard" #efcore #Dotnet github.com/ErikEJ/EFCoreP…
Starting with BenchmarkDotNet is easy👇🏻 1– Install #benchmarkdotnet from NuGet 2– Create a class to contain your methods 3– Use [Benchmark] attribute on relevant methods 4– Call BenchmarkRunner .Run on your class 5– Run it without debugging and in release mode #dotnet #csharp
Accelerate ML.NET training with Intel oneDAL
C# Tip 💡 We use async calls in our code to improve performance (throughput). First example: The method will complete in the sum of times it takes each async call to complete. Second example: The method will complete when the slowest async call ends (in theory). #dotnet
Settling the Biggest Await Async Debate in .NET
Modular monolith over Microservices? 🤔 As a software engineer, one of the key decisions you'll face when designing a new system is choosing the right architecture. I want to discuss why a Modular Monolith may be a good idea. 🧵👇 #dotnet
Did you know Visual Studio can paste a JSON text as a C# class? Read more about it here: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualst… (Thanks to Justim Odendaal for the tip) #csharp #VisualStudio #dotnet
Scans an Active Directory domain's and its principal's kerberos encryption configuration.
Extreme LINQ Performance Boost in .NET 7
Best Practices for PowerShell Testing
Write markdown without leaving Visual Studio
ReSharper and Rider 2022.3.1 Bug Fixes Are Here
Time to clean up your #aspnet Minimal APIs and remove that duplicate validation logic. Fluent Validation filter now on Nuget. Happy holidays! github.com/benfoster/o9d-… nuget.org/packages/O9d.A…
Gitlab Web IDE Beta, Powered by Visual Studio Code
The Traveling Salesman Problem Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C#
Delete dotnet bin and obj folders recursively
Are you using the EF Core Query Splitting feature? This allows us to specify that a given LINQ query should be split into multiple SQL queries. It's great when you have a lot of JOIN statements in a query (Cartesian explosion). Available in EF Core 5 and higher. #dotnet
Can you spot the vulnerability? #codeadvent2022 #csharp This new log ingestion server is super efficient. Let's hope nobody can inject log messages! sonarsource.com/knowledge/code…
Ladies and gentlemen... Here it is an extension method on a tuple. Never stop learning #dotnet