Week 48, 2023
Monday, 27 November 2023 - Sunday, 3 December 2023
Developer happiness of Java/SpringBoot vs C#/Asp.net core
F# Weekly #48, 2023 –SAFE Template v5 & MyOwnDB v2
Just a reminder that if you are a @VisualStudio user and work with GitHub Actions, you can trigger and observe workflow runs, add/edit secrets from VS with this extension: marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName…
HOW TO: Permission Authorization in ASP.NET Core
MiniGraph 1.3.12
K-Means Data Clustering from Scratch Using C#
Have a lot of #ConfigMgr OSD folks replaced the "Apply Drivers" step with their own DISM Step? Ever wish you would see the DISM info in the TS Progress UI? Just something more than the Step Name? See before & after images. Blog Post coming soon. @miketerrill #SCCM #PowerShell
Qodana for .NET 8 is almost ready! Try the EAP and let us know what you think
How to enhance your chatbot so it can retrieve data from multiple data sources & orchestrate its own plan with C# Semantic Kernel, planner & Azure OpenAI - part 1 - Developer Support
How to make libraries compatible with native AOT
The Developer Ecosystem in 2023: Key Trends for C#
NEW: Collection Expressions in C# 12
How Are .NET APIs So Much Faster than Everything Else?
How to keep improving C# skills past mediocre level?
Cheat Sheet — Attack Active Directory This cheat sheet contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows #ActiveDirectory with the use of #powershell. github.com/drak3hft7/Chea… #cybersecurity #pentesting #redteam
The ReSharper 2023.3 Release Candidate Is Now Available
My favorite features in Visual Studio 17.8
.NET Native AoT Make AWS Lambda Function Go Brrr
Hot Reload for C# Dev Kit
How .NET 8.0 boosted AIS.NET performance by 27%
Just added first class support for running a node app inside of aspire github.com/dotnet/aspire/…. This should enable node base front end tech to run with your .NET backend. We'll also enable packaging these as docker containers if you have a docker file. #dotnet #aspire
Building resilient cloud services with .NET 8
Behind [LogProperties] and the new telemetry logging source generator
Write Your Git Commits with GitHub Copilot
What's the most insane thing you can do in C#?
Embedding a minimal ASP.NET Web Server into a Desktop Application
Clean Architecture with ASP .NET Core 8 by @ardalis youtube.com/watch?v=yF9SwL… #aspnetcore
Scriban for Text and Liquid Templating in .NET
Announcing ML.NET 3.0
C# 12 is now available and is part of #dotNET 8, the latest #VisualStudio, or #VSCode’s C# Dev Kit. This @KathleenDollard blog post has all the details you need to know to take advantage of the new release. msft.it/6018iGY3j
.NET 8 Adds Shuffle to Random for Arrays and Spans
The latest paperback edition of my book, C# 12 and .NET 8 - Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals, looks good next to the previous editions. 😀 #dotnet #dotnet8 #csharp @PacktPublishing