Shout out to the most active .NET Foundation open source projects in 2022... @dotnetfdn #dotnet #opensource #github
Week 52, 2022
Monday, 26 December 2022 - Sunday, 1 January 2023
Discrete events masquerading as a workflow should be expressed as such. Consider the following event-based model: #dotnet
F# Weekly #52, 2022 – Happy New Year!
Keycloak as Authorization Server in .NET
Our .NET 7 CODE Focus issue is out! Exclusive .NET 7 articles by Microsoft .NET team members and MVPs! @dotnetfdn @dotnet #dotnet #coding #womenwhocode
Top .NET Blog Posts of 2022
Top .NET Videos & Live Streams of 2022
Interactive Plotting with PowerShell and Polyglot Interactive Notebooks
Space Geek Out 2022 - .NET Rocks!
# 5️⃣ - of our topmost viewed videos from 2022 gives us the basics of building multi-platform apps with .NET MAUI for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows from a shared C# code base. Become a #dotNETMAUI dev in 2023, start your lessons today:
Is Dynamic in C# Actually Slow?
Clean Architecture (aka Onion, Hexagonal, Ports-and-Adapters) organizes your code in a way that limits its dependencies on infrastructure concerns. In this #dotNETConf session replay, we learn how to apply it to your #ASPNET Core apps. 🎥
File download/transfer time & speed via #PowerShell ls "c:\blah\downloadedfile"|select @{n='Download Time(s)';e={($_.Lastwritetime - $_.CreationTime).TotalSeconds}},@{n='Speed (MB/s)';e={($_.Length / 1MB) / ($_.Lastwritetime - $_.CreationTime).TotalSeconds}}
Build Your Own Podcast App with .NET 7, Blazor, and .NET MAUI
🌊 C# tip: how to format interpolated strings 🌊 Using $, you can interpolate strings. Did you know that you can format the values while composing the string? 😶 $"{DateTime.Now}" 😎 $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dddd}" #csharp #dotnet
Would you like to analyze process history in Excel? Convert the #Sysmon event log to CSV with simple #PowerShell script:…
# 7️⃣ - of our topmost viewed videos from 2022 gives us a powerful course for beginning your education into C#. If your goal for 2023 is to learn #CSharp, this lesson will get you started:
ToString Method in C#
Default Interface Method in C# And When to Use It
Generate YouTube Timestamp Links with C# 11
RESTCountries .NET is a #dotnet library to get information about countries. New version with LOTS of new features. The library is helpful for apps that are intended to be used in multiple countries, solving the issues of internationalization & inclusion.
# 8️⃣ - one of our topmost watched lessons of this last year comes to us from the #dotNETMAUI for Beginners series. In it, we get an overview of the .NET MAUI Architecture. Check it out:
C# Tip 💡 If you like to reduce nesting in your code as much as I do... With C# 10, we finally have file-scoped namespace declarations. We can finally remove the unnecessary block statement around a namespace. You can configure this as the default in Visual Studio. #dotnet